Thursday, September 23, 2010

Google Celebrates 10 Years!

There is an article on CBS's website that discusses how Google is celebrating its ten year anniversary of operation. Google created a guided tour, on its anniversary site, detailing its ten years in business. The site also launched Project 10 to the 100th to try to "improve the world." There is also a timeline which focuses on historical moments in the company’s existence. All of these website features are the end result of research. Google's team must have researched possible ways to promote and celebrate the anniversary, prior to planning or creating these tactics.

Project 10 to the 100th allows Google users to submit ideas of where $10 million would best be spent. The advisory board will pick up to five ideas, donating up to $50 million. The company's website says, "If you have an idea that you believe would help somebody, we want to hear about it. We're looking for ideas that help as many people as possible, in any way."

These methods of celebrating the company's anniversary must have been thoroughly thought-out before any planning or implementation could occur. Research such as focus groups and surveys were probably utilized to gather opinions from top management, employees, investors, and customers. This research was then probably utilized to plan, and later carry out the results. Google decided to utilize historical timelines, a guided tour, and created an interactive and humanitarian project. Now, the company is probably in the process of doing final research and evaluating the effectiveness of these methods.

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